CIO Stories Series: Spam and Rogue

Hu starts his everyday work with checking mailboxes, and everyday he’s greeted by a dozen or so uninvited spam emails. Some of his colleagues even receive hundreds of them. This is really annoying. Several years ago, Hu installed an anti-spam system in the...


作为一个孤僻的与世无争者,前几波 Blog 游戏都与我无关。这一轮,Tiny 给我强制任务,岂敢不完成捏? 1. 一本你不只读了一次的图书 看过不只一次的书,好像很多吧?阅读次数最多的,可能是初中时候看的《中学生作文选》。那个时候我无书可看,哥哥帮我带回这本作文书,被爱惜书的我看得书角起卷,后来我干脆把书修成了圆角–现在的小孩书很多奇形怪状的,但那个时候,绝对是独立”发明”。 2. 一本你如果身在沙漠时想读的书...

CIO Stories Series: Hwatong not so Agile

Mr. Hu had just returned from an oversea investigation trip. Instead of going back home or to his office, he rushed to Hwatong Co., Limited, a long-term partner, which was developing a corporate resource management system for Hu’s company. He thought they must...

CIO 故事之二十一:整合之道

基本理顺IT 治理结构之后,老胡的工作重心开始转向公司应用系统的整合。在老胡的多年努力之下,公司的各IT系统都运转良好,而且也并非是”老死不相往来”的信息孤 岛。近几年,由于公司业务的持续变革,特别是通过并购实现规模扩张,公司内部的新信息孤岛不断产生,而原有的信息系统”即使不是信息孤岛,但也算得上信息...

CIO Stories Series: Promotion

今天才知道,《IT经理世界》竟把我那浅薄的《CIO故事》译成英文,发表在它的英文网站http://www.cbfeature.com上,并且仍然署我的名字,而没有出现译者。非常之受宠若惊。感动之余,把它搬过来,也算为它的传播添一份力吧。   原文URL(须注册):   As he walked out of the CEO’s office, Ji Chao felt...