
这就是《Digital Leadership:Transforming Your Business into a Survivor in the Digital Tsunami》一书诞生的缘起。

Digital Leadership helps business leaders to the journey of digital transformation. Read this book and take actions accordingly, you can certainly transform your business into a survivor in the worrying digital tsunami.
事实上,《Digital Leadership》囊括了成为数字化领导者的必需内容,包括以下四个部分。
Part I Digital Disruption and Drives
The concept of “digital natives” will be introduced firstly, and then digitalization’s definition and 3 eras through 4 cases. Digitalization is a huge tsunami, because of its 3 kinds of great disruption and 3 types of large effects. There are 4 drives which cause digital tsunami, and 3 essences inside of it.
Part II Become a Digital Leader
Believe or not, digital leaders have 5 magics. You cannot become a digital leader, but only evolve into a digital leader, through 5 stages. What looks like a digital leader? You can cultivate 6 personalities. All leaders of your business have to be digitalized, including your board and all CXOs.
Part III Competencies of Digital Leaders
If you want to be a digital leader, you should have 3 mindsets and 3 basic skills. Digital leaders have to embrace 7 competencies to lead their digital transformation. As a digital leader, you must have 2 landing capabilities to implement your leadership.
Part IV Major Challenges for Digital Leaders
As a digital leader, you have 3 critical relationships in digital to deal with. Most digital transformation are of great failure, because of 5 major reasons. For large and complex businesses, you have to face 9 digital challenges during digital journey.
更重要的是,这是一部数字化转型专著。我可以自豪地说,《Digital Leadership》在专业上不会输给任何英文作者。我参考了大量的英文原著,包括图书、网站、文章和视频,在此基础上“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”。唯一遗憾的是,由于研究的局限性,书中引用的某些数据略显“古老”。
I appreciate the authors of the books, articles, videos and websites cited in this book. Without their data, information, knowledge and wisdom, I cannot imagine how to complete writing a book like this. Sorry for any misunderstanding or misrepresentation since English is not my native language. And, please feel free to correct my mistakes if there are any wrong or inappropriate citations.
因此,能够出版《Digital Leadership》,我非常感谢我所有的客户。
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